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Logo Design Vs. Brand Identity: What’s The Difference?

Logo Design vs. Brand Identity: What’s the Difference?

Key Takeaways

What is a logo design?A logo design is the process of creating a visual symbol that represents the name, message, or value of a brand. A logo design can include elements such as colors, fonts, shapes, icons, etc.
What is a brand identity?A brand identity is the overall look and feel of a brand that communicates its personality, tone, values, and goals. A brand identity can include elements such as logos, typography, color palette, imagery, voice, etc.
What is the difference between logo design and brand identity?A logo design is a part of a brand identity, but not the whole. A logo design is one of the elements that helps to create a consistent and coherent brand identity. A brand identity is more than just a logo design; it is the sum of all the visual and verbal aspects that define a brand.
Why are logo design and brand identity important?Logo design and brand identity are important because they help to create a memorable and distinctive impression of a brand in the minds of the customers and stakeholders. They also help to build trust, loyalty, and recognition for a brand. They also help to differentiate a brand from its competitors and convey its value proposition and competitive advantage.


If you are a small business owner, a startup founder, an entrepreneur, a boutique owner, or a brand owner, you might have heard of the terms logo design and brand identity. You might have also wondered what they mean and how they relate to each other.

In this blog post, we will explain what logo design and brand identity are, what are the differences between them, and why they are important for your brand.

What Is a Logo Design?

A logo design is the process of creating a visual symbol that represents the name, message, or value of a brand. A logo design can include elements such as colors, fonts, shapes, icons, etc.

A logo design has three main functions:

  • Identification: A logo design helps to identify a brand by making it recognizable and distinctive among other brands.
  • Communication: A logo design helps to communicate the essence and core attributes of a brand by using visual elements that convey meaning or emotion.
  • Differentiation: A logo design helps to differentiate a brand from its competitors by highlighting its unique features or benefits.

Some examples of well-known logo designs are:

  • Nike: The Nike logo, also known as the Swoosh, is a simple and elegant curve that represents motion and speed. It also symbolizes the wing of the Greek goddess of victory, Nike.
  • Apple: The Apple logo is an apple with a bite taken out of it. It is a reference to the biblical story of Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit. It also pays tribute to Alan Turing, the father of computer science who committed suicide by eating a cyanide-laced apple.
  • Coca-Cola: The Coca-Cola logo is a custom script font that was popular in the 19th century. It is simple, clear, and versatile. It also evokes nostalgia and happiness.

What Is a Brand Identity?

A brand identity is the overall look and feel of a brand that communicates its personality, tone, values, and goals. A brand identity can include elements such as logos, typography, color palette, imagery, voice, etc.

A brand identity has four main functions:

  • Consistency: A brand identity helps to create a consistent and coherent image of a brand across all touchpoints and platforms.
  • Expression: A brand identity helps to express the character and style of a brand by using visual and verbal elements that reflect its essence.
  • Connection: A brand identity helps to create a connection and relationship with the customers and stakeholders by appealing to their emotions and needs.
  • Value: A brand identity helps to create value for a brand by enhancing its reputation and credibility.

Some examples of well-known brand identities are:

  • Starbucks: The Starbucks brand identity is based on its green color scheme, its mermaid logo, its handwritten font, its warm and cozy imagery, and its friendly and conversational voice. It conveys a sense of quality, community, and sustainability.
  • Apple: The Apple brand identity is based on its minimalist and sleek design, its monochrome color palette, its sans-serif font, its innovative and elegant imagery, and its simple and direct voice. It conveys a sense of creativity, excellence, and sophistication.
  • Nike: The Nike brand identity is based on its black and white color scheme, its swoosh logo, its bold and sporty font, its dynamic and inspirational imagery, and its motivational and empowering voice. It conveys a sense of performance, passion, and courage.

What Is the Difference Between Logo Design and Brand Identity?

A logo design is a part of a brand identity, but not the whole. A logo design is one of the elements that helps to create a consistent and coherent brand identity. A brand identity is more than just a logo design; it is the sum of all the visual and verbal aspects that define a brand.

A logo design is like the face of a brand; it is the first thing that people see and remember. A brand identity is like the personality of a brand; it is the way that people feel and relate to it.

A logo design is a single symbol that represents a brand. A brand identity is a system of symbols that communicate a brand’s message and value.

A logo design is a static and fixed element that does not change much over time. A brand identity is a dynamic and flexible element that can evolve and adapt to different contexts and situations.

Why Are Logo Design and Brand Identity Important?

Logo design and brand identity are important because they help to create a memorable and distinctive impression of a brand in the minds of the customers and stakeholders. They also help to build trust, loyalty, and recognition for a brand. They also help to differentiate a brand from its competitors and convey its value proposition and competitive advantage.

Some benefits of having a good logo design and brand identity are:

  • Increased awareness: A good logo design and brand identity can help to increase the awareness and visibility of a brand among the target audience and beyond. They can also help to create a positive word-of-mouth and referral marketing.
  • Improved perception: A good logo design and brand identity can help to improve the perception and reputation of a brand among the customers and stakeholders. They can also help to create a favorable image and impression of a brand.
  • Enhanced loyalty: A good logo design and brand identity can help to enhance the loyalty and retention of the existing customers. They can also help to attract new customers and convert them into loyal fans.
  • Higher value: A good logo design and brand identity can help to increase the value and equity of a brand. They can also help to justify higher prices and margins for the products or services offered by the brand.


Logo design and brand identity are two related but distinct concepts that are essential for any brand. Logo design is the process of creating a visual symbol that represents the name, message, or value of a brand. Brand identity is the overall look and feel of a brand that communicates its personality, tone, values, and goals.

Logo design and brand identity are important because they help to create a memorable and distinctive impression of a brand in the minds of the customers and stakeholders. They also help to build trust, loyalty, and recognition for a brand. They also help to differentiate a brand from its competitors and convey its value proposition and competitive advantage.

If you need help with creating a logo design or a brand identity for your brand, you can contact Urbanchic creative, a black female owned design studio based in Johannesburg, South Africa. We offer professional and affordable

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